Cantonment Public School and College Momenshahi (CPSCM) LOGO

Momenshahi Cantonment, Mymensingh
College Code : 7270 | School Code : 7759 | EIIN : 111925

Lt Col Abu Hayat Md Rishad Morshed, psc, ASC

Cantonment Public School and College Momenshahi (CPSCM), with the motto “Knowledge is Power”, ensures quality teaching, well management, flourishment of personal qualities balanced and liberal educational system and all kinds of politics and violence free environment. Now 5200 plus students are enrolling in both school and college section and are nurtured and molded in a well planned campus comprising gorgeous academic block, administrative block enriched well equipped, laboratories and magnificent auditorium, the monument of language martyrs and specious play ground.

Cantonment Public School has a tradition of extraordinary academic result. Its academic activities rule with a well planned academic contender and lesson plans classed ruh with  multimedia profectors, monthly exams are held besides term exam to ensure academic success. Public examinees are taken extra care with specialized classes and model tests to ensure better preparation results are prepared digitally in Automation system and guardians are regularly informed of the details of their children through automated SMS service.

To bring out the dormant qualities of the learners, CPSCM highly emphasise on Co-curricular activities. It has 20 societies through which experienced teachers guide them in achieving expertise in music, dance, recitation drawing, photography, debating, scouting, general knowledge, math & science Olympiad and different games and sports etc. Moreover, All the national days are observed here with great enthusiasm and solemnity. Thus, the learners here achieve the skills indispensible for participation, achievement and competitiveness in different district divisional and national level competition.

CPSCM also publishes an Annual Magazine through which the teachers and the students get opportunities to expose their potentials in writing rhymes, poems, short stories, articles, essays and research paper etc. In additional, regular arrangement of science fair encourages and mobilize tender minds to innovate invents and express themselves.

Above all, the instruction of Bangladesh Army, devotion & dedication of CPSCM family have enriched the institution with the recognition of the best institution in Dhaka Board in 2008, 19th & 20th Position in the top 20 Merit list on the basis of HSC Examination Result 2010 & 2011 respectively, 14th position for JSC Examination 2012 & 11th for SSC Examination in 2013. Recently, in 2016 it has awarded with the prestige of the best educational institution in Mymensingh Division. Finally, CPSCM is highly committed to contribute to the development of the nation along with the upliftment of its glory.

Lt Col Abu Hayat Md Rishad Morshed, psc, ASC
Cantonment Public School and College Momenshahi

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